Common Techniques in Responsive Web Design

In previous articles, I talked about why the Web is ready for responsive design and how a site owner can use the context of a user’s device and screen real estate to provide a contextually relevant experience to users across screens of various sizes, including PCs, phones and consoles.

In this article, I’ll dive into some of the most common practices for building responsive site layouts and experiences. I’ll describe the emerging and available techniques for site layouts that flexibly resize based on screen real estate (referred to as “fluid grids”) so as to ensure that users get complete experiences across whatever screen size they are using. Additionally, I’ll show how to present rich media, especially images, and how developers can ensure that visitors on small-screen devices do not incur additional bandwidth costs for high-quality media.

As you play with some of the techniques I describe, here are a few ways to test what your site looks like on different devices resolutions:

  1. Benjamin Keen has a responsive Web design bookmarklet that you can add to your Favorites bar (or Bookmarks bar) on your browser of choice. You can click on this bookmarklet to test your site layout in different resolutions.
  2. If you’re using Windows 8, you can always test your page layout on Internet Explorer 10 by employing the Windows 8 snap modes. In Windows 8, you can use Internet Explorer 10 on your full screen (full mode), or you can multitask by docking the browser to snap mode, where it emulates the layout characteristics of a smart phone browser. Additionally, you can dock the browser into fill mode, where it occupies 1024 x 768 pixels (px) on a default Windows 8 screen size of 1366 x 768 px. This is a great proxy for how your site will look on iPad screens as well as traditional 4:3 screens.
  3. Lastly, you’ll probably do a lot of what you see in Figure 1 (image courtesy

Basic Testing for Responsive Web Design
Figure 1. Basic Testing for Responsive Web Design

Media Queries

Traditionally, developers have relied on sniffing out the browser’s user-agent string to identify whether a user is visiting a site from a PC or a mobile device. Often, after doing so, they redirect users to different subsites that serve up virtually the same content but with different layout and information design. For example, in the past, users who visited could see the traditional PC experience or get hardware-specific mobile experiences by being redirected to

But redirections require two separate engineering efforts. Also, this approach was optimized for two screen layouts (mobile with 320-px width and desktop with 1024-px width). It did not intelligently provide a great experience for users visiting from intermediate device sizes (such as tablets) as well as users with significantly larger screens.

CSS3 looks to help Web developers separate content creation (their page markup and functionality in HTML and JavaScript) from the presentation of that content and handle layout for different dimensions entirely within CSS via the introduction of media queries.

A media query is a way for a developer to write a CSS3 stylesheet and declare styles for all UI elements that are conditional to the screen size, media type and other physical aspects of the screen. With media queries, you can declare different styles for the same markup by asking the browser about relevant factors, such as device width, device pixel density and device orientation.

But even with CSS3, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of building three different fixed-width layouts for the same Web page markup to target common screen dimensions today (desktop, tablet and phone). However, this is not truly responsive Web design and doesn’t provide an optimal experience for all devices. Media queries are one part of the solution to providing truly responsive Web layout; the other is content that scales proportionally to fill the available screen. I’ll address this later.

What Does “Pixel” Mean Anymore?

The pixel has been used for Web design and layout for some time now and has traditionally referred to a single point on the user’s screen capable of displaying a red-blue-green dot. Pixel-based Web design has been the de facto way of doing Web layout, for declaring the dimensions of individual elements of a Web page as well as for typography. This is primarily because most sites employ images in their headers, navigation and other page UI elements and pick a site layout with a fixed pixel width in which their images look great.

However, the recent emergence of high-pixel-density screens and retina displays has added another layer of meaning to this term. In contemporary Web design, a pixel (that is, the hardware pixel we just discussed) is no longer the single smallest point that can be rendered by a screen.

Visit a Web site on your iPhone4, and its 640 x 960 px hardware screen will tell your browser that it has 320 x 480 px. This is probably for the best, since you don’t want a 640-px wide column of text fitted into a screen merely 2 inches wide. But what the iPhone screen and other high-density devices highlight is that we’re not developing for the hardware pixel anymore.

The W3C defines a reference pixel as the visual angle of 1 px on a device with 96 ppi density at an arm’s length distance from the reader. Complicated definitions aside, all this means is that when you design for modern-day, high-quality screens, your media queries will respond to reference pixels, also referred to as CSS pixels. The number of CSS pixels is often going to be less than the number of hardware pixels, which is a good thing! (Beware: hardware pixels are what most device-manufacturers use to advertise their high-quality phones, slates and retina displays—they’ll lead your CSS astray.)

This ratio of hardware pixels to CSS pixels is called device pixel ratio. A higher device pixel ratio just means that each CSS pixel is being rendered by more hardware pixels, which makes your text and layout look sharper.

Wikipedia has a great list of recent displays by pixel density, which includes device pixel ratio. You can always use CSS3 media queries to identify the device pixel ratio if you must, as so:

  1. /*Note that the below property device pixel ratio might need to be vendor-prefixed
  2.  for some browsers*/
  3. @media screen and (device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
  4. {
  5.   /*adjust your layout for 1.5 hardware pixels to each reference pixel*/
  6. }
  7. @media screen and (device-pixel-ratio: 2)
  8. {
  9.   /*adjust your layout, font-sizes etc. for 2 hardware pixels to each reference pixel*/
  10. }

There are also some open source libraries that let developers calculate device pixel ratio using JavaScript across browsers, such as GetDevicePixelRatio by Tyson Matanich. Note that this result is available only in JavaScript, but it can be used to optimize image downloads so that high-quality images (with larger file sizes) are not downloaded on nonretina displays.

However, it is not recommended that you use device pixel ratio to define your page and content layout. While the reference pixel vs. hardware pixel disparity can be confusing, it’s easy to understand why this is crucial in offering users a better experience. An iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 have approximately the same physical screen size and have identical use patterns, so it stands to reason that a block of text should have approximately the same physical size.

Similarly, just because you have an HDTV with a 1920 x 1080 p screen, this doesn’t mean sites should render content at this native resolution. Users sit several feet away from their TV and also use imprecise input mechanisms (such as joysticks) to interact with it, which is why it’s preferred that TV browsers pack multiple hardware pixels into a reference pixel. As long as you’ve designed your site with a 960-px wide layout for desktop browsers, the site will look comparable and be usable, regardless of whether your TV is 1080 p or an older model with 720 p.

As a general rule of thumb, your text content will look better on these devices. However, your image content may look pixelated and blurry. Thus, from a practical perspective, device pixel ratio matters most when you’re trying to serve high-quality photography/image data to your users on high-pixel-density screens. Moreover, you want to make sure that your brand logo looks sharp on your users’ fancy new phones. Later in this article, I’ll talk about techniques for implementing responsive images and point to some existing JavaScript libraries that can address this.

As we continue, I’ll use the term pixel to mean reference pixel and explicitly call out hardware pixel as needed.

Scaling Your Site Layout Responsively

Grid-based layout is a key component of Web site design. Most sites you visit can easily be visualized as a series of rectangles for page components such as headers, site navigation, content, sidebars, footers and so on.

Ideally, when we design responsive sites, we want to make the grid layout agnostic of the user’s screen size. This means we want our layout and content to scale to as much screen real estate as is available (within reason), instead of providing two or three fixed-width layouts.

Mobile-First Design

As I pointed out in the first article of this series, more than 12 percent of the world’s Web traffic comes from mobile devices. This fraction is significantly higher in nations with higher smartphone penetration and is expected to increase notably in the next few years as adoption picks up in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Additionally, taking a mobile-first approach to site design is a good exercise in information design. Basically, it helps you prioritize the content and functionality that you want to make available on the mobile version of a site and then progressively enhance the site layout for larger devices. This way you ensure that your users have a valuable experience on their mobile devices—not just an afterthought to their desktop experience—and you can take advantage of additional real estate when available to provide a more visually engaging experience as well as navigation to additional “tier-two” content.

Case Study: The Redesigned

When you visit on a mobile phone or narrow your PC browser width (with screen width under 540 px), you see a single hero image as part of a touch-friendly, visually rich slide show advertising one product at a time. (See Figure 2.) The top products are highlighted in the Discover section. Additional navigation is below the fold or in an accordion-style menu that is collapsed by default and is exposed when the user taps the list icon. Similarly, the search box is hidden by default to conserve screen real estate—the user needs to tap the search icon. This way, the mobile layout shows top products and links one below the other and only requires vertical panning. Content and product links 


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